
If you’re interested in joining Layfield Promotions, you should check out this page, as it well provide some very important information that will be useful for your journey into this e-fed! Should there be any sort of questions regarding any of the rules and guidelines listed below, feel free to contact us on our Discord server or on the Forum!


  • Layfield Promotions is a company that is based in current-day. With that in mind, we are only accepting REAL wrestlers. CAWs are not allowed, and there are no plans to change this rule in the future. With that in mind, ANY wrestler is eligible to be written as, granted that they are alive. Out of basic respect, we do not allow anyone to write for wrestlers who have passed away.

  • We also encourage you to not write as wrestlers who have been the center of controversy. Regardless of if the controversy was unfounded or not, there will undoubtedly be people that may be uneasy about writing against particular characters. Please use your discretion when picking up a character. No one wants to write against Joey Ryan.

  • We DO NOT have a character limit. If you want to roleplay as 15 different wrestlers, go ahead and give it a shot. But just know that you are subject to having multiple characters booked for any show, at any given time!


  • We have a touring schedule here at Layfield Promotions, which means we do NOT have weekly events that take place on a particular date every week. Instead, every 10 days, Layfield Promotions presents an episode of HEAT. Heat is our primary show that is used to further storylines and pit roleplayers against each other in matches. Heat usually takes place in small coliseums throughout the South of the United States, in front of about 5,000 people on average.

  • Heat has a RP word cap of 1,000 words and 1 RP per match! Please note that submitting any roleplay over 1,000 words will result in a disqualification. Even if it’s you submit your roleplay at 1,002 words – it is disqualified. It must be under 1,000 words.

  • Unique to Layfield Promotions are our HOUSE SHOWS! House shows work a little different and are a unique way of racking up victories. They are set to take place every 4 days and featuring very little details in regards to storylines, and a focus on matches between competitors. This is a great way for you to rack up victories in a quick fashion! These events usually take place in small armories and auditoriums throughout the South of the United States, in front of about 1,000 people on average.

  • House Shows, since they are often, have a RP word cap of 250 words and 1 RP per match! Please note that submitting any roleplay over 250 words will result in a disqualification. Even if it’s you submit your roleplay at 252 words – it is disqualified. It must be under 250 words.

  • Pay-Per-View events are set to take place every quarter and are treated like big deals. More information on PPVs will be available in the future!


  • First and foremost, it is important to pay attention to the word caps that are listed above. These are a critical part of the e-fed and we need to ensure that they are understood. Obviously with the focus on word caps, it should be evident that we are encouraging quality over quantity here.

  • When roleplaying, you are not allowed to respond to your opponent’s roleplay for the week. This means that if your opponent should post their roleplay first, you’re not able to retort or respond to anything contained within that post. If you do, your roleplay is disqualified.

  • Any form of blatant racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or just general shittiness within RPs are strictly forbidden and will result in you getting banned from the e-fed.