
To the moon? Not quite yet. But you might as well call Cameron Grimes Neil Armstrong, because he took “one small step” towards it with his win over Matt Sydal on episode one!
After a rubber match 8 years in the making CM Punk has finally put an end to that chapter of his career with an emphatic victory! The real question now is; where does “The Straight Edge Superstar” go from here?
Dem Boyz doing what they do best; handing out lollipops and ass whoopins! And unfortunately for The Young Bucks; The Briscoes were all out of lollipops!
Albeit with some assistance and some under handed tactics, Candice Lerae picked up the victory in the first ever women’s match on Heat and in doing so has established herself as the front runner for the Women’s World Title!
“The Cleaner” living up to his nickname this week; sweeping the competition and winning Heat’s very first main event and securing his spot at the number one ranked superstar!